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tv   Special Report With Bret Baier  FOX News  May 29, 2012 6:00pm-7:00pm EDT

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obama's take no prisoners philosophy in war on terror. ed henry has details. >> reporter: president obama's kill list is described as a yearbook with photos and name and whereabouts of known suspected terrorist like sawk anwar al-awlaki, american killed last year. a program some of his a lice now say crossed the line. >> it allows the president to kill people including u.s. citizens, far from any theater of war. it's dange rouse, because it sets a precedent. >> carney was press it how a nobel peace prize win ker justify the program? >> the president made clear from the outset of the administration we were at all times going to act in a manner lawful and consistent with our values. >> the president counterterrorism advisor john brennan laid out the legal justification in a speech last month. >> matter of international law, the united states is in an armed conflict with al-qaeda, taliban and associated forces. in response to the 9/11 attac
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attacks. we may use force consistent with the right of national self-defense. >> language former bush administration note is strikingly familiar to republican justifications that candidate obama ripped in 2008. >> represents a 180 in the direction. hypocritical, he continues to criticize those believing in enhanced interrogation but does this which is more intrucetive, i'd say. >> republicans question the timing of the massive leak to "new york times" and whether it was aimed to make the president look more hawkish in an election year. >> why this information and the fact that the people are targeted let out to the press is shocking. fits a pattern of abuse. intelligence and national security information. >> white house officials insist there is nothing inappropriate and notes the president more direct hands-on approach delivered results. notably, taking out usama bin laden. >> president obama made clear from the start to advisors and
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the world we were going to take whatever steps necessary to protect the american people from harm. particularly from a terrorist attack. >> as a former top intelligence official told me tonight the president as a candidate probably didn't realize how compelling the intelligence about the terrorists is. now that he is in office he doesn't want an attack on his watch. in the last few days the u.s. -led nato forces in afghanistan wiped out al-qaeda number two with an airstrike. bret? >> bret: ed henry live on the north lawn. thank you. there has been no kill strike ordered yet in syria. but the u.s. and many allies today took to taking out the country diplomats. james rosen has the latest reaction to the growing carnage in the middle east. warning here, some of the immanuals in the story may be disturbing. >> this freshly uploaded amateur video reportedly taken in a syrian city of houla on
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friday, the place where 108 people including scores of women and children were massacred. united nations human rights group says the victims were mostly killed execution style, thugs loyal to the assad regime. in retailiation, the u.s. and five allies expelled top syrian diplomats. >> a political measure. statement of our extreme disapproval. and horror at the massacre. we will look at other ways to pressure the regime, economically, diplomatically and try to tighten the noose. >> bashar assad spent 15 months and killed 9,000 people trying to squash the uprising confronting his government. kofi annan shared his concern but he left damascus without evident progress on the six-point peace plan. >> we are at a tipping point.
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the syrian people don't want the future of one of bloodshed. >> to justify nato intervention in libya last year, president obama cited the gaddafi regime slaughter of civilians. >> we cannot stand idly by when a tyrant tells the people there will be no mercy. >> given syria's higher death toll, many wonder why the u.s. is expelling diplomats. spokesman said libya is a different scenario. >> unity in the region. unity at the level of the united nations security council. >> man that will face obama in the november elections here. told fox news and bill hememer the syrian crisis a an opportunity to push back against iran. >> you think the administration failed on that? >> they continue with a posture of leading from behind. we're sitting in the back burner hoping things would become arranged in a way to attractive to the word.
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>> asked why a handful of civil servant officers were able to remain in the mission, they are the same people when the assad regime goes an we're in transition will be used to, quote/unquote, restart the relationship. >> bret: more on this with the panel. james, thank you. mitt romney is tote to hit the magic number tonight. presumptive republican nominee expects to make it mathematical certainty with strong showing in texas. we look at how he is fine tuning his message against the opponent. >> on the day he is expected to win the texas primary and clinch the 1144 delegate for presidential nomination, he launched a week-long, two pronged counter offensive after the president attacked his business regard. calling out obama as hostile to free enterprise. >> we're not the enemy. some on the lib talls say they like a strong economy but then
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they act like they don't like business. i want the government to support small business, middle sides business, big business. i want jobs and government ally of business. not an enemy of business. [ applause ] >> a broad united g.o.p. charge with that the president squandered billions of taxpayers dollars on politically placed dollars. >> it didn't help the private sector job. it helped preserve government jobs. the one place we should have cut back with government jobs we have 145,000 more workers. send them home and put you back to work. >> romney is adding a character component. >> more than $15 billion going to companies like solyndra linked to obama. >> romney arrived in vegas for a fundraiser with donald
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trump. this has romney creating distance last night. >> i don't agree with all the people who support me. i need to get 51% or more. appreciative to have the support. >> obama called trump shar l loton. an said it demonstrates his lack of moral leadership. >> romney will also meet with newt gingrich. now wants to help romney. >> bret: more on the panel as well. thank you. get thoughts on the philosophical twist and turn on the road to november. senior political analyst brit hume. good evening. >> hi, bret.
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the obama campaign determination to present attack on romney's record at bain capital raises the process that the election will in part be referendum on call tallism itself. in the president will say there is nothing wrong with capitalism and private equity. but the repeated snide reference to romney's wealth and that he was a profiteering job-killer suggests they don't mean that. capitalist system had political vulnerability. for the wealth and jobs it creates, capitalism distributes the benefit unevenly. democrats won't say they don't like capitalism but they like it better when it's heavily taxed and regulated to better to keep it from exploiting workers. that's why top ten 10% pay 70% of income taxes in this country and why we have a large entitlement state to redistribute the wealth and growing regulatory apparatus. this could coexist when we had
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a booming economy that had tax receipts to pay for everything but now we don't. the job growth stalled and debt is exploding. obama side says the unbridled capitalism is at fault. more taxess, regulation, retriss dispribution and spending is the answer. but the romney side takes the opposite. which side americans think is the foreseeable future of the country. >> bret: what is your take on story of obama going after terrorist. in an election year. >> targeting particular terror cyst unusual. last time we heard about that, was lyndon johnson picking out political prisoners in vietnam war. i don't have a problem with him trying to kill the people
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over the politics of it. but i don't see a moral problem. but there is something lost when you never capture anybody and interrogate them. that is to say that you lose possible intelligence value the people may have. that is something that people may talk about. >> bret: we'll talk about this with the panel. thank you. attorney general eric holder will talk about the voting right laws to meeting of several hundred african-american pastors tomorrow in washington. the event is hosted by the congressional black caucus. it will also featured guy dance on what religious leaders can and cannot do to maintain their tax except status. president obama spread america's highest civilian honor among elec tick field that includes astronaut, rock icon and hoops legend. they had space pioneer john glenn. rocker bob dylan. basketball coach pat summit at
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the white house. tv talking head who says he is uncomfortable calling fallen soldiers "heroes" gets more uncomfortable. that is later in the grapevine. up next, strange bedfellows team up to try to fix medicare. y needs manufacturing. machines, tools, people making stuff. companies have to invest in making things. infrastructure, construction, production. we need it now more than ever. chevron's putting more than $8 billion dollars back in the u.s. economy this year. in pipes, cement, steel, jobs, energy. we need to get the wheels turning. i'm proud of that. making real things... for real. ...that make a real difference. ♪
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>> bret: international experts say the most sophisticated cyber weapon in history is computers in the middle east, and across europe. the malware called flame semily unprecedented size and complexity. reportedly can turn the second computer to listening devices. to suck information from nearby cell phones. u.s. officials are watching this development closely. home prices increased in most major cities in the u.s. in march for the first time in seven months. markets today were impressed. dow gained 126. s&p 500 was up 15. nasdaq finished ahead 33.
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as more and more baby-boomers exit the workforce every day and enter retiren't, the strain on the social network gets bigger. what to do about that is a major issue in the fall election. chief national correspondent jim angle says it led to unlikely political marriage. >> a disturbing facts that some lawmakers try to avoid. every household in america would have to pay $230,000 more in taxes to cover unfunded promises made under medicare. >> 10,000 seniors turn 65 every day. medicare and the medicare guarantee, it's the ballgame for the federal budget. >> that is why liberal senator ron wyden is cosponsoring a plan with conservative house member paul ryan to le form medicare before budget problems lead the program in tatters. >> diet of reduction and cost
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shifting. it will all take place until the medicare guarantee is threatened. i'm not going to sit buy. and let it happen. >> medicare pays only 80 cents for every dollar private inurious pays. that's why more than 40% of seniors in oregon already fete medicare from the private insurance companies. >> i am going to the plan because they offer prevention and otherringses but most importantly guarantee i will get to see a doctor. >> so senator wyden joined paul ryan to propose something called cranium support to allow healthcare insurers compete for business of seniors. the insurance companies would have to cover everything that medicare dis. premiums get -- seniors get premium support for the second lowest bid sore delay have choices for insurance and level of support is updated every day.
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>> we a program. guaranteed benefit, guaranteed affordability, choice and competition. it was a originally democratic idea monodist own it. >> we need to reduce healthcare cost but i don't allow it for excuse to turn medicare to voucher program to leave seniors at the mercy of the insurance company. >> they want the seniors to pay more as the medicare guarantee was terminated. >> biden said he voted against earlier plan with the same concern. but the current plan would update the support seniors getch >> i don't see it as an ideological issue. when you have seniors all over the country who tell you i have a heart condition or high blood pressure, they can't see a dodger. >> wyden says it has to be fixed. and that means both political parties system v to come together. >> thank you. republican reconciliation pressing the interior secretary for information about president obama's green energy grant program.
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senate budget committee jeff sessions and darrell issa say they have waited more than six months for this information. they condemn the fast track, politically connected company. the obama administration given eight more states waivers from the bush administration "no child left behind" law. the education department granting waivers in exchange for promises that the states will improve how they prepare and evaluate students. the list now totals 19 states. still ahead -- smokers in california may soon have to pay a lot more. to feed their habit. first, what the turmoil over egypt presidential election means for the u.s. hey dad. see how the carrots i grow make that new stouffer's steam meal so tasty. actually, the milk from my farm makes it so creamy, right dad. dad can see... boys! don't you think stouffer's steam perfect bag should get some credit? my carrots. my milk. [ female announcer ] new from stouffer's. farmers' harvest steam meals
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>> bret: another earthquake in italy. killed 15 people and left 200 injured as the region tries to recover from a stronger quake last week. senior officials says 14 thank you people lost their homes in the last ten days. the pope is not afraid of what might come out of the investigation in the leaking of secret vatican documents. that is according to one of the spokesman who has the been violated by the exposure. shaping up to be a long three weeks until egypt presidential runoff. two candidates are left. more than half of the egypt voters didn't support either one of them in the first round. correspondent leland vittert reports on what it means for the u.s. >> under former egyptian president hosni mubarak the
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united states had no greater ally in the arab world. the election showdown cowell change that relationship forever if the muslim brotherhood candidate mohammed morsi wins. >> that is -- [ inaudible ] >> the political column for the egypt largest daily newspaper. >> radical islamist. you can say they are not the case. >> egypt receives money every year in u.s. military aid. still, many egyptians are angry over america's reluctance to embrace a liberal candidate. ask the organizers of last year's revolution. >> we found trade for us. >> the revolutionaries are protesting the choices they
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have in the next election. they don't like the guy from mubarak's regime and they don't want the muslim brotherhood but the fact remains in less than three weeks egypt will elect themselveses a new president and the united states will have to deal with whoever wins. bret? >> bret: leland vittert in cairo. thank you. kentucky republican senator rand paul says he will introduce legislation cutting off foreign aid to pakistan. until the prison sentence is overturned for the pakistani doctor who helped locate usama bin laden. world affairs contributor dominic di-natale with report alleging torture from the pakistani officials. >> reporter: this is the man labeled a traitor and hero. dr. shakil afridi helped the c.i.a. try locating bin laden in march 2011 and arrested soon after the terror leader was killed. at least the sentencing last week, he had been held an hidden away by the pakistani authorities. meeting at the lawyer office,
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his brother jamil told me that he had been tortured and kept in isolation. desperate against the family he wouldn't go in detail on camera but added the interrogators stashed him and -- starved him and depriveded him of sunlight. the family says they intend to get inside the bin laden compound did no harm to pakistan. but they are living in fear after he was sentenced to 33 years in jail. says the u.s. needs to come to their rescue. >> the blame is on my brother because it's america. we are facing a tough time. they should support us. we should get justice and protection. >> me, my brother and family don't have protection here. i'm afraid of the government
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agency. taliban and other terrorists. >> he also adds he wants the embassy in islamabad to provide lawyers for the appeal. but the authorities appear to be using delay tactics for a challenge. the family is so scared, all 30 of the afridi are want assuasylum in the states. >> bret: if you wonder why people in the u.s. don't trust politicians, a couple of perfect examples for you in grapevine tonight. plus, the latest from a tv host who says he is uncomfortable calling fallen soldiers "heroes."
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>> bret: now some fresh pickings from the political grapevine. msnbc host chris hayes is apologizing saying he was uncomfortable calling fallen soldiers "heroes" because it could promote unjust wars. hayes said in a panel discussion on his show sunday, the day before memorial day, "i feel uncomfortable about the word 'hero' because it seems to me that it is so rhetorically proximate to justifications for more war." veterans of foreign wars, vfw, called for apology which he got last night. hayes said he was deeply sorry an he conformed to a stereotype of a removed pundit whose views are not anchored in the very real an wrenching experience of this long decade
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of war. money from a california license plate program to fund scholarships for children of 9/11 victims has largely gone to other unrelated programs. "associated press" analysis shows only a fraction of the $15 million collected went to the scholarships. 40% funded anti-terror training programs. 20% was rated by current democratic governor jerry brown and former republican for arnold schwarzenegger to plug the state's budget deficit. the california dmv has been advertising the plates that will say "we will never forget" helping 9/11 victims. even though the state stopped funding the scholarship program even years ago. finally, new hampshire house republican leader resigned over the weekend after admitting he falsifyed an internship in order to graduate from law school years ago. b.j. bettencourt was supposed to show up at a fellow state representative home office for four hours every friday for
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the semester and ended up working one hour total. bettencourt submitted week's worth of reports containing detail about court hearing and client meetings that never happened. lighting up will be considerably more expensive if californians approve $1 a pack tax in addition to other taxes. the comebac tobacco industry is spending billions to combat that tax. >> who do you trust? >> american cancer association? >> american lung association in >> big tobacco. >> prop 29, more bureaucracy. tax dollars out of state. >> this is a david and guy loyath fight. >> wrong issue for a state. >> the issue is proposition 2, california ballot initiative to raise the cigarette taxes by $1 a pack with estimated $800 million raised each year, earmarked for cancer research an prevention.
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>> ewith know it will save lives an save taxpayers money and we hope it will fund new cures and better treatment for cancer, heart an lung diseases. supporters claim the new tax will stop 200,000 kids from starting to smoke, while encouraging tens of thousands of adults quit. opponents funded by the tobacco company phillip morris and r.j. reynolds argue this is another syntax that strap cash-strapped california can't afford. >> this may not be the highest priority. taking a block of tax revenue to spend it on something that may be important. cancer research is. it may not be the highest priority when n a time we are trying to get out of a $16 million hole. >> the measure would go in effect in october. support for proposition 29 is dropping. a recent poll found 53% of the likely voters support the proposed tax. that is down from 67% in march before the opposition
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commercials started airing. bret? >> bret: adam, thank you. still no verdict in the john edwards corruption trial. jurors have been delivering for seven days now. former presidential candidate is accuseded of using campaign funds to hide his mistress. prosecutors rested their case in the roger clemens perjury trial. government presentation featured 24 witnesses in 19 days. clemens accused of lying to congress about taking performance enhancing drugs. his daughters say their defense will take two weeks. we have live pictures tonight from a mitt romney campaign event. presumptive republican nominee is meeting supports at furniture store in las vegas. later he will attend a fundraiser with donald trump at the trump international towers in vegas. we'll discuss the 2012 campaign with the panel. take a listen as you head to break. ♪ ♪ >> servicing the hotelment like the furniture rental operation here. they're going to lose jobs.
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the restaurants that rely on people that have the jobs. they're going to lose jobs as well. eally cool looking. what about fuel-efficiency? amazing. i think it gets up to like 40 miles per gallon. kinda cool when the needle never moves. my turn. active park assist... oh, my gosh! when you want to find a gas station, it tells you how much gas is. i didn't even know that. the swap your ride sales event ends soon. get a focus with up $1500 cash back and voice-activated sync at no extra charge. are you gonna just keep the one for the rest of your lives? no, i think we should all get our own. how math and science kind of makes the world work. in high school, i had a physics teacher by the name of mr. davies. he made physics more than theoretical, he made it real for me. we built a guitar, we did thingwith electronics and mother boards. that's where the interest in engineering came from. so now, as an engineer, i have a career that speaks to that passion.
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thank you, mr. davies.
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there is nothing in international law that been as the use of remotely piloted aircraft for this purpose. or that prohibits us from using lethal force against our enemies, outside of an act of battlefield. >> president obama on the campaign trail decided he didn't like the more forceful things like enhanced interrogation, secret prisons and certainly not guantanamo he wanted to charge. to go from that to a case he is identifying specific individuals to die is quite an evolution. >> bret: well, this is all about president obama's direct action. being part of the decision-making on who to kill with the armed drones overseas, going after terrorists. massive story in the "new york times" today. let's bring in the panel about this. bill kristol of "weekly standard." juan williams, columnist with the hill. syndicated columnist charles krauthammer.
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okay, charles, you just heard the former bush administration official questioning candidate obama versus president obama. we often at this panel put things through the prism of what happens if this was during the bush administration? and this story. >> it would have been a lot different. we can understand why obama is doing this. why they clearly leaked this to the press. they want obama to look tough, hawkish. part of that is what is happening around the world. look at massacres in syria, he is standing by. look at negotiation with iran over the nukes. there is a collapse in baghdad. look at the way that the russians are treating the united states. putin dissing obamaly by not showing up at the g-8 summit as a way to slap obama in the face. he does this without any reaction. so here is a story that shows he is a tough guy and kills by remote control. there are a few problem with this. number onebe, military strategy.
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we have aren't getting intelligence. this is the past of least resistance. we are living off intelligence of the bush years and soon will be outdated and not usual. second is a moral issue. obama went around preening, went around the world preening how there is a new direction. moral direction of the united states. we lost our way with iraq and he is going around and killing people where he is judge, jury and executioner. i'm not against it. but if you take the moral argument and the preening that the democrats did, hower theable bush administration was for enhanced interrogation, they didn't go around killing people from the air. and if necessary and often happens, the families as well. so they kind of lost the moral high ground here. understand why he is doing it. it makes him look tough. >> bret: to charles' point, hypocrisy element to senator obama on the trail and president obama now?
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>> hypocrisy talk is taken without talking about why they put it out now. it's something as simple as guantanamo bay. he said he would close it and it hasn't closed obviously. a matter of trying to prove he is tough. i don't understand that point. i think the president has proven is that he is very tough. when it comes to prosecuting the war on terror. he has gone after our enemies at every quarter. >> bret: why leak it? >> i don't know that it was a leak. could be aggressive reporting or partly a leak. the point is not about making obama look tough. with regard to negotiation with the iranians, negotiations are in fact moving steadily ahead. as evidenced by the fact they're willing to sit at the table and talk about their uranium. these are all positive things. i don't see a take that this is somehow a weak president. syria is a separate matter. but this is a proxy war with iran. most americans, last time there was a poll on this. most americans i think three-quarters said they don't
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want any part of a war in syria. >> i agree with juan on one thing which is this wasn't a leak. this was explicit briefing of the reporters. tom donnelan the national security advisor of the president of the united states quoted on the record in the massive front page "new york times" story. then i see newsweek, a magazine i wasn't sure still coming out and a huge story in newsweek. the same story. obama, how obama learned to kill. full of briefings on how the meetings work and how the president took charge and personally decided this guy has to be bumped off. this guy has to be more car careful. you may think that the obama campaign doesn't have to establish bona fide as a tough guy. the obama campaign thinks so. think back to a month ago with the anniversary of bin laden killing. this is a major by the obama campaign. they are entitled to do it if they're not revealing anything to compromise national security but it's a little
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much to have the degree of patting themselves on the patch for how tough they are. especially as charles says when on the big strategic issues, they're not tough at all. all >> bret: meantime, juan, the left is not reacting a lot very loudly. the aclu is talking about this article. >> it's unlawful because it allows the president to kill people including the u.s. citizens far from any theater of war. it is dangerous, because it sets a precedent, not only for the next president and the president after, but for other countrys who may not have our hisser to rick commitment to the rule of law. >> bret: again. those arguments in 2008, versus where it is now and the volume from left is an interesting contrast. >> i think the aclu is making a strong point from the left. you're saying you don't think that there are initial voices from the left. saying there is a threat. believe me, if there is any
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point of softest in on the left with regard to president obama it comes from people who think that, you know, this president is not the law professor who complained about the way the war on terror was being actively pursued by the bush administration. i might add, though, that there is an important point to be made. response from the aclu that it is not simply president obama saying go kill that person. according to the story in the "times" there are hundreds of national security people make up this list, go over this list. say this is the person we want to target. it's only then that the president has the final say. he is a fail safe in his mind on this matter. >> fail safe? he is the executioner. the way the story is written and way it's reported the way the administration wants everybody to see this, he sits there with what they call the baseball cards, and he chooses who lives and who dies. i can assure you if that was the bush administration and cheney it would be called the worst possible name i'm not against this. this is part of a war on terror. but the idea that the
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president somehow is the man of last resort, he decided that the big decisions are his. he decided on al-awlaki. he also decides that the family is nearby, are you going to attack or not? he said he makes -- this reminds us of lyndon johnson. the pictures of him in the situation room where he picked actual targets for the war in vietnam. everybody agrees in retrospect it was the worst possible way to run a war. he is not a military man. he chose them by emotion, seat of his pants. way to do it, for a president to give the guidance and then the military decide under him. this is a replay of that with a high-tech weapon instead. the hypocrisy here is staggering. he went around the world apologizing for america's action in iraq, which was in dealing with the prisoners far less than what is going on now. >> bret: quickly, bill, kofi annan, former u.n. secretary-general says syria is at a tipping point. you heard a number of things
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over the weekend. your sense of whether there is increased possibility of military action. >> there should be but this administration is desperate to avoid it because the polls show the idea of getting out of the wars in the middle east. even though that is a huge moment humanitarian concerns stark teegic concerns on the same side, iran greatest ally. not do much to tip him over, we are still being slow in doing much at all. >> bret: next up, presidential politics.
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more than $16 billion has gone to companies like solyndra that are linked to big obama and democrat donors. inspector general said contracts were skewed to them
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and families. obama is giving taxpayers money to big donors and then watching them lose it. ♪ ♪ we're scared of an obama presidency. i have to tell you, he is a decent person and a person that you do not have to be scared a president of the united states. >> he doesn't have a berth certificate. he may have one, but there is something on the birth certificate, religion, maybe it says he is a muslim. >> bret: well, two pretty long web videos out today, one from the romney campaign and one from the obama campaign. this is on the day that romney will likely later tonight clinch the nomination and become the republican nominee reaching the magic number of 1144. he is holding a fundraiser with donald trump. hence, donald trump under attack from the obama campaign and donald speaking out on that issue about the birth
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certificate earlier today. >> there is a lot of questions to the authenticity of the birth certificate. you can belief it or you don't have to believe it. but there are many, many questions. >> i don't agree with all the people who support me. i don't know that they believe in everything i belief in. but i need 51% or more. i'm appreciative to have support of good people. >> bret: all right. so where are we with this? the white house put out the long form birth certificate in april last year. the state of hawaii certified that. bill? >> speechless. donald trump has gone away about a year ago and here he is back. birth certificate i thought it went away. nothing goes away in american politics. romney is trying to promote substantive policy issue. and the program green energy,
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proud to set up as the stimulus and a lot of money is wasted and some has been worse than wasted gone to democratic cronies and that is a legitimate issue to raise. it should be in a broader campaign by romney than gotch gotcha. he should explain why obama's understanding of stimulating the government is wrong. but legitimate policy issue. >> bret: juan? >> i think everybody asks a question: what is going on? why how old he have anything to do with donald trump? i think the answer is that mitt romney wants to prove that he has appeal to people who have embraced the strange notion that, birthers, that obama was not born in the united states, not born in hawaii. it has, i think, split some people, bill kristol, george wills. people think what is the up-side? why would he do this? >> bret: there has been or out theed by the campaign some effect about donald trump, making calls, robo call in
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state where there are blue collar voters that the romney campaign feels they need to reach out to, michigan, ohio. not necessarily slowly on this one issue. >> no. again to reach out to people who are conservative and throughout the republican primary process view romney as too moderate and weren't convinced they were going to support him. >> bret: charles? >> maybe this is romney trying to by his association with trump trying to show toug toughness. the way obama showed it by killing terrorist by remote control. odd day these two things happened at once. juan came nearer the truth here. >> me? imagine! >> came in proximity of the truth. i think there was, there is some notion that this does associate him, i don't think he wants to associate with the fringe about the birther stuff. he knows that is toxic. i think he simply wants to appeal to the toughness that trump does.
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he speaks bluntly. he has a following. you're right, the robo calls in michigan helped romney in the primary campaign. this is toxic. it should be one shot deal, do te vent, go out there and don't go back if you're romney. >> there is focus on the connection between romney an trump. but remember the lack of focus about president obama and bill maher and the money he gave, million dollars to the super pac. bill maher with media news said extreme things from the left. you have jon corzine, the former democratic governor of new jersey who is still bundling money. lost money for m.f. global. i guess the back and forth today, focus on trump is pretty interesting. >> it is. but i don't believe any of this will moveon.or move votersy side. obama has a record, they can approve or disapprove. romney is a ceivous guy people
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are getting to know. everyone will know very well by the end of the campaign. he will have a platform, policy platform, which people will like or dislikism don't think you disqualify obama or romney because they are unfortunately supported by or fundraisers with or even hanging around with people who are less than fully admirable. >> you have to be careful with the independent voters who can be turned off by this. both of you say get away from it. >> bret: that is it for the panel. but stay tuned for update on story we've been following. w? ♪ wer surge, let it blow your mind. [ male announcer ] for fruits, veggies and natural green tea energy... new v8 v-fusion plus energy. could've had a v8.
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>> passers byes and even former politicians. >> you. >> oh, yes, thanks for inviting us into your home tonight. that's it for this "special report," fair, balanced and unafraid. >> jon: mitt romney expected to make history tonight. now, both sides are launching new attacks in the battle for the white house. plus, lots of unemployed americans may be in line for a shock. why jobless benefits are running out sooner than expected. and the u.s. warns sir i can't tell military option is always on the table. [explosion. >> as we see new video and learn chilling details about the massacre of